Return / Refund Policy For Deshi Solition
Thank you for choosing Deshi Solution as your digital product fulfillment partner. We are very happy and grateful to serve you the best quality digital products to make your digital journey easy in a money-saving way.
We do honor your decision and ensure you that we are going to be the best option for your digital needs. We always assure top-quality trending products for your digital journey.
Return/Refund Policy
We currently do not have a RETURN OR REFUND POLICY at DESHI SOLUTION. [We apologize for the nonrefundable policy.]
99% of the digital products in DESHI SOLUTION are immediate access products. Anyone gets access; we cannot take back the access from the purchasers.
All the services we are providing you have to be purchased from authorized international partners, and they don’t allow any types of cancellations or refunds. For that reason, we are also unable to cancel or refund any type of service.
Our first priority is to ensure the best, hassle-free, and secure service for our customers. Sometimes scammers make purchases and take refunds. When they cancel or make a refund of their purchase, they return it with a dangerous virus to act illegally on other websites or desktops. That’s why we don’t accept any cancellations, refunds, or exchanges at this moment.
We hope that you have all your answers about the way we don’t have a cancellation, return, or refund policy.
Note: As we value that you are the most important and best partner in our business, in some cases we offer exchange or refund policies to you under these conditions:
Product not as described (if you don’t get the product as described in the service page, you can ask for a cancellation, refund, or exchange of the product).
Duplicate/Double payment (If you make a double payment for a single purchase, you can ask for a cancellation, refund, or exchange of the product.)
Charged for the product, but the product is out of stock. If you make a payment and find out that the product is not in stock right now, you can ask for a cancellation, refund, or exchange of the product.
Special terms product (If you purchased a special term product like 100% satisfaction guaranteed or any other terms and it doesn’t fulfill the terms, you can ask for a cancellation, refund, or exchange of the product.)
Every cancellation, refund, or exchange policy should be applicable under the real-proven details submitted.
Cancellation, refund, or exchange will be done by 0 to 10 working days after accepting the cancellation, refund, or exchange request.
If you make a purchase from DESHI SOLUTION, it declares that you are consenting to DESHI SOLUTION’s cancellation, refund, or exchange policy and privacy policy.
Refund/Exchange Request:
E-mail subject: Request to cancel, refund, or exchange for the product (Product Name)
[Make sure you are requesting from the same email you used at the time of purchase.]
[Please don’t send any cancellation, refund, or exchange request that is contradictory to our cancellation, refund, or exchange policy.]
Thank you for supporting Deshi Solution.